最快一分钟极速赛车开奖记录官网168|赛车开奖直播75秒全国记录最新开奖结果|168开奖官网查询极速赛车开奖视频 Turn Content into Clients

With Life Happens Pro, it’s easy to find new content, share it with your audience and grow your business.

How we help you.

  • Access to best-in-class insurance content 
  • Personalize content for your brand 
  • Schedule social media posts 
  • Save time and money 

Simplify your digital marketing.

One of the fastest ways to build your brand is by establishing a digital presence. Life Happens Pro makes this easy by connecting your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account to your plan so you can schedule content directly.  


Tell an emotional story.

Share a story that connects with clients and prospects on an emotional level. Our Real Life Stories program, Life Lessons scholarship program and award-winning public service announcements are made for storytelling. 

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Our Insurance 101 content is made to inform clients and prospects about the basics of life, disability and long-term care insurance and annuities—and as a nonprofit, you can trust that we’re providing an unbiased perspective. 


Present like a pro.

Supplement your next speaking event with content that can be easily digested during a presentation. Whether you’re meeting with a client or prospect face-to-face, presenting as a speaker for an event, or even participating in podcasts, you can leverage our content to deliver a strong message.   

Go tried-and-true with print.

Traditional marketing methods still prove effective. Incorporate direct mail and printed assets into your marketing process with flyers and brochures that add an individual touch. 

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who have used Life Happens Pro to amplify their reach.

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